Project Description
Security is never too much
Competitive advantages for your business create new intelligent communication solutions and secure information exchange
Providing IT security from our experts includes round-the-clock support, consulting, testing and launching of your projects
Ensuring the continuous operation of the companies and organizations is the main task and the requirement for modern IT infrastructure. Any downtime, any delay brings losses to the business, damages the reputation and becomes uncompetitive.
Viruses, ransomware, trojans, or malware that quietly penetrate IT systems for a long time can cause significant damage, data loss, and seriously disrupt day-to-day business operations. That is why the main goal of modern information security is the earliest stop and blocking of intruders and identifying possible weaknesses in the IT infrastructure. At the same time, backup and recovery strategies ensure data availability and integrity in the event of an incident.
IT Security of companies is becoming an increasingly important component in modern infrastructure as it becomes more and more difficult for companies to completely isolate their own data center from the outside world. A growing network with cloud storage, mobile devices, as well as interaction with customers through data exchange systems and online stores provide both additional opportunities and significant risks. Therefore, it is very important to counter these threats with the help of modern IT security.
Our product portfolio offers products from leading technology companies such as Check Point, RSA, Websense, McAfee, Dell / SonicWall and Cisco Systems, and provides solutions for remote access control, IP address management and integrated enterprise security.