Project Description
Together we create a new era
Combining physical and virtual objects using information technology, you get a single system where each component works for the benefit of your business. This is the essence of the Internet of Things.
Sensors, scanners, transmitters, and entire systems enable every industry to grow. Real-time information is transfer and processing enables you to make decisions and respond to changes promptly, considering the specifics of your business industry.
Based on our unique experience in IoT and Data Automation, we have the best opportunity to use our expertise to quickly develop, implement and adapt IoT systems to provide our Partners and Customers with the opportunity to enter this Market when it is still at a growing stage.
Automatic identification and data collection (AIDC) refers to methods for automatically identifying objects, collecting data about them, and entering this data directly into computer systems. Technologies commonly considered part of AIDC include barcodes, radio frequency identification (RFID), biometrics, magnetic strips, optical character recognition (OCR), smart cards, voice recognition, temperature, pressure, and more.
We are providing to our customers with a focused approach to solve technological difficulties, resource requirements and experience that you need to use in the rapidly growing IoT market.
Zebra Technologies, Datalogic, Honeywell and NCR solutions, as well as our comprehensive approach allow us to offer a wide range of off-the-shelf products that allow you to use your current budget and implement the project of the solution your business needs.